~ Tips for making your life easier and less expensive ~

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The Diet Ice Cream That Beats Regular

A few posts ago, I asked which generic products you've encountered that are actually better than name brand products. Not just acceptable, mind you; but good enough that you'd prefer to buy the generic.

We'll do one better on this post. Have you found any diet products that are actually better than their "regular" counterparts? I know of only one example: Edy's Slow Churned ice cream. I don't think that Edy's claim of "One Day, All Ice Cream Will Be Made This Way™" is an overstatement.

Not only does this ice cream have 1/2 the fat and 2/3 the calories of regular ice cream, its texture actually surpasses that of any other ice cream I've had. There's one caveat though; I'd only say that about the vanilla-based flavors. The chocolate-based flavors are still great, but I'm not sure I'd say they're better than their regular counterparts. The flavor that I'm frankly basing most of this claim on is Cookie Dough.

Edy's can be expensive (not insanely expensive like Ben & Jerry's or similar products), so I feel compelled to defend my reputation of frugality by saying that I try to buy when it's on sale for $2.50 - $3.00.


Kenthe2 said...

Bnick, I agree wholeheartedly. My wife and I have found the same thing. We love the stuff. Although, out here on the west coast it's sold under the Dreyers brand name, but it's the same stuff.

Coach C said...

This is really the best stuff for someone who hovers between 30 and 40 lb over weight. My wife and I have an affection for the coffee flavor that borders on obsession.

Sarah said...

And we only buy it when it is on sale also... :-)
(Please note that I am not the one who hovers between 30-40 lbs. over....although I am on my way!)